Speaker: Pastor Sydney Igbokwe
Text: Ecclesiastics 3:1, 1 Chronicles 12:32
As we continue in our series on Times and seasons, there is one thing to recognize the season we are in life and another thing to maximise fully all that that season offers. Most of the time we tend to just complain about the seasons of life instead of intentionally and actively engaging with the help of the Holy Spirit to know and to observe what God will require from us in that season.
The Bible passage tends to throw some light on this, in 1 Chronicles 12:32 “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment”. From this passage we see that not only did they have an understanding of the times Israel had found her self as a nation but they also knew what they needed to do. It meant they had clarity of thoughts, clear understanding of the situation and where precise on the course of action.
So in regards to the seasons we find our selves we need to be able to firstly understand the times and secondly now precisely what God will have us do. And begin to do it.
For some of us, we need to return to relationship with God, for some others we need take out time and invest more in family, for some others we need to invest in studying, one crucial recurring theme is that you can stay without knowing what you ought to do and do it.
How to understand the purpose of the season
- In the Place of prayer- 1 Chronicle 28:19, Psalm 53:2, Daniel 9:23
- Through Biblical Instructions– Daniel 9:2
How to maximise every season of life
- Through Knowledge- Daniel 2:21
- Understand the resource you have –TIME & SEED- Gen 8:22
- Be intentional in your seed investment- Matthew 14:17-19. Your seed in not necessarily money in this case, its what the Lord has given unto you, lodge within your inside with the potential to become a fruitful land. Every seed must be invested to actualise a Harvest. Without a seed there’s no Harvest or expectation of harvest. Locate the seed in your hand and invest it your season.
- Understand and maximise the partnership in your life- 1 Sam 22:1-2,
Seasons of Life Joseph
- Fathers House- Genesis 37:3-5
- Pit- Genesis 37:23-29
- Potiphar’s House – Genesis 39:1-4
- Prison – Genesis 39:21,40:4-6,12,23, 41:14
- Palace- Genesis 41:39-41
In each season of Life there was a lesson to learn for Joseph and God was the constant factor in every season. As we go through the seasons of our Life we should have this assurance like in the life of Joseph that the Lord is with us through the times and season. We also noticed in every season he had to maximise the circumstances, still believe in his vision and His God.
Every Season presented a preparation for the next season, From His fathers house he knew how to love, He understood the vision for is life. Vision is what keeps you on the long haul of the season; it’s the vision of the harvest. In Pit He learnt how to be abased, He understood the season of confinement, when there is limited resource, He understood the waiting in the season. In Potiphar house he understood, the potential within and also his administrative gifting. He understood the critical way a house could grow into prosperity and the battle of the His Christianity in the market place.
In the prison, He understood partnership, focus on the Vision, maximising his gifting and waiting for the Kairos time-
- I receive insight for this season of my life
- I receive purpose for this season
- I receive understanding for this season
- I build Spiritual strength and capacity for this season
- I receive clarity for this season
- I become deliberate in sowing for this season