
Identity In Christ

Identity In Christ
Topic: Identity In Christ
Speaker: Ps Sydney Igbokwe

A discovery of identity leads to a discovery of our purpose in Life. Understanding our Identity in Christ leads us to life fulfillment. In our fast paced world where image is everything, from self-image to corporate image, an in depth understanding of who we are is very crucial to keep us grounded and focused towards destiny. Identity is the fact of being who or what a person is. Identity is not just a Knowing but a being. Knowing who you are is of great importance but being who you are if life fulfilled.

When we become born again we gain a new identity (which was what we were
supposed to be until the devil caused man to sin in Eden).
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

There are five question we must define to unlock our identity.
1. Who am I? Defines our Identity
2. Where am I from? Defines our Source
3. Why am I here? Defines our Purpose
4. What Can I do? Defines our Destiny
5. Where am I going to? Defines our Destination

We must first understand where we are coming from so as to appreciate where we are in Christ and our destiny in Him Who we were before Christ
1. Sinners- Ephesians 2:1
2. Desirers of Lustful things
3. Children of Wrath
4. Alienated from God
5. Condemned – Romans 8:1
6. Part of the Kingdom of Darkness- Col 1:13

We take on new identity as believers, we become born of God, born of the Spirit. Taking the life of Moses as an example. Moses had a crisis of identity, He was an Egyptian prince and yet was of Israeli Heritage- (slavery). In our present day world there would had been an image problem, Questions arising in his heart.

And when he went out the second day, behold, two Hebrew men were fighting, and he said to the one who did the wrong, “Why are you striking your companion?”
14 Then he said, “Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” Exodus 2:13-15 New King James Version (NKJV)

Dilemma of Moses
1. A prince of Egypt
2. A son of Israel
3. The challenge of his Allegiance
4. Proof of His Legitimacy
5. Proof of Authenticity

Moses was caught up in defining who he was, Moses needed to answer the
Question, who made you? His SOURCE Exodus 3:11
1. Our Source – Image of God- Genesis 1:27, Col 1:15
We are made in the image of God, that is the source of who we are that’s
where we draw our identity from. Our Spiritual DNA is from GOD.
Who we are now in Christ
We are:
• Born of God – 1 John 3:9
• a son of God- John 1:11
• of incorruptible seed- 1 Peter 1:23
• begotten of God- 1 John 5:18
• made the righteousness of God- 2 Corinthians 5:21